(499) 262-6110
Moscow 3-rd New lane, 5A
Hardening and restoration of parts of the induction-metallurgical method
Metallurgical additives to oils
Development and manufacture of mechanized
systems aggregates for surfacing IC
and under a wide range of specific
customer requirements
Development of technological processes
under specific conditions of industrial plants
and machineries
Thermal imaging inspection, testing and diagnostics
as well as the analysis of thermograms
About us
Corporation "Splav LTD", established in 1991 to implement in the industry of technology of restoration and hardening of parts in friction technology induction-metallurgical method (hereinafter IC), has many years of experience working with enterprises of railway transport, mining and construction industries.
One of the main activities of the Corporation "Splav LTD" is the extended period of operation of machines and mechanisms of hardening of IC parts and units operating in the mode of dry friction, and, consequently, reduction of the operating costs of maintaining them.
The need for the introduction of progressive technologies of restoration and hardening of parts and components of transport equipment friction IC for the railroads emerged most sharply in the mid 90-ies of XX century.
MPs USSR in coordination with the State Committee of the USSR on science and technology indicating the number u from 30 March 1990 instructed the Engineering center "Alloy" conducting research and development works on the development of technology for recovery and hardening of details and knots of a friction of rolling stock, as well as the introduction of this technology on the Railways and in industrial plants, as well as the training of specialists for its development.
The IC technology was first applied in depot Novorossiysk, Adler, Kislovodsk, Rostov and locomotive depot Timashevsk, fish, Leningrad-Baltic, Sukhumi, and Roslavl, Pautinka and Ordzhonikidze car-repair plants.
An extended meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Railways dated 6 September 1990 noted the necessity of introducing the technology of IC, which advanced all the repair companies in locomotive and wagon depot, lokomotivovagonoremontnyj plants.
Minister of Ministry of Railways of the USSR Canarium N. With. in instruction No. 11do from January 11, 1991 "On the introduction of IC recovery method and hardening of parts of rolling stock and other equipment," gave a high evaluation of the results of development under the guidance of the Director of Engineering center " Splav" Zaychenko Yu. This indication IGA was labeled high efficiency of application of the IC method on railway rolling stock.
Was elected state request for acquisition of the corresponding equipment at the plants of the NGO research Institute of HDTV Minelectrotechprom the USSR, and only started in 1991, the crisis in the country had not allowed more widespread use of IC technology for recovery and hardening of parts of rolling stock.
Prior to 2000, the Ministry of Railways technology IC was implemented in the following locations:
As a result of application of IC technology in these units for 2 years was obtained economic effect from the introduction in the amount of 965 525 900 rubles in prices of 2000 year.
In addition, the use of IC technology has allowed us to pass in the Russian Federation for an improved system of maintenance of passenger coaches.
Work on the improvement and development of IC technology is not stopped during the last two decades, workers and professionals of the Corporation "Splav LTD". Was essentially improved application technology IC, applied innovative and energy-efficient elements in the coating technology. Created of higher quality materials, designed and manufactured by advanced designs of inductors, tooling and fixtures, expanded the list and nomenclature of surfaced parts. Developed design and technological documentation on hardening of the rubbing surfaces of parts and assemblies with the use of the IC.
If you have any questions? Call us!
(499) 262-6110
Corporation LTD "Splav-LTD", ©2015
Created by “Na Balkone”